Deming, NM - The Great American Duck Race is celebrating its 45th Anniversary this year including the Duck Royalty Pageant. Join the fun and enter if you or anyone you know have the desire to waddle in public! Don’t forget to incorporate the theme of “Hawaiian Duck – Hula To The Finish Line” and try to win Duck Queen or King and take home $500 cash plus many more prizes!
Age Divisions are: Just Hatched, 0-12 months; Lil Waddlers, 2-4; Downey Ducklings, 5-8; Darling Ducklings, 9-12;Queen and/or King, 13 and up
The basis for judging will be:
• Costume – Looking for originality and duck waddle
• Talent – Create a 2- to 4-minute duck routine to impress the judges.
• Interview (for King/Queen only) – General fowl knowledge, Poise and overall ability to represent the Great American Duck Race of Deming and anything the judges may “Quack” up.
To register, please visit the official duck race website at www.demingduckrace.com and fill out the entry form before August 19, 2024.
The 45th Annual Great American Duck Races kicks off Thursday, August 22nd at 6:30pm with the Royalty Pageant at the Deming Public Schools Auditorium and wraps up Sunday, August 25th with the final duck races being held around 3 p.m. at the Luna County Courthouse Park.
For a full schedule and details in the near future, visit www.demingduckrace.com.
Age Divisions are: Just Hatched, 0-12 months; Lil Waddlers, 2-4; Downey Ducklings, 5-8; Darling Ducklings, 9-12;Queen and/or King, 13 and up
The basis for judging will be:
• Costume – Looking for originality and duck waddle
• Talent – Create a 2- to 4-minute duck routine to impress the judges.
• Interview (for King/Queen only) – General fowl knowledge, Poise and overall ability to represent the Great American Duck Race of Deming and anything the judges may “Quack” up.
To register, please visit the official duck race website at www.demingduckrace.com and fill out the entry form before August 19, 2024.
The 45th Annual Great American Duck Races kicks off Thursday, August 22nd at 6:30pm with the Royalty Pageant at the Deming Public Schools Auditorium and wraps up Sunday, August 25th with the final duck races being held around 3 p.m. at the Luna County Courthouse Park.
For a full schedule and details in the near future, visit www.demingduckrace.com.